Guangdong Youzu Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.
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Flood and Fire Drills at YOUZU

On October 26, 2023, flood and fire drills were held at YOUZU to strengthen the staff’s daily safety awareness and to examine the effectiveness of emergency measures and equipment.

The activity was divided into a fire drill and a flood drill, including:

1.Efficient disaster response to flood simulation

Moving and stacking sandbags, and distributing and installing water barriers, employees cooperated to achieve a quick installation that took less time than planned.


2. Detailed demonstration of the installation and use of fire hydrants

Employees worked in groups of three to open hydrant valves, lay and connect hoses, and hold the hoses steadily against the water pressure.
Water jets sprayed into the sky, creating a bright landscape in the fall atmosphere and pushing the drill to a climax.


YOUZU’s staff was poised and confident with a clear distribution of labor and responsibility.

A practice is worth a thousand words

The drills were a powerful combination of theory and practice, exposing employees to the realism of disasters and providing practical emergency guidance, to improve safety awareness and emergency skills.

Additionally, the drills practiced the emergency response of YOUZU employees and the ability of YOUZU leaders to organize, coordinate, and command in the face of safety incidents.